The Biological and Agricultural Engineering Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory is open to faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars. The facility provides resources for data acquisition and analysis. The laboratory is located in 1322 Bainer.
- Agilent Gas Chromatographs with FID and TCD detectors
- Shimadzu High Performance Liquid Chromatographs with RID, PID, and UV-VIS detectors
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer with an Integrating Sphere for solid material analysis
- Texture Analyzer
- Vacuum Cooler
- Drying Ovens
- Other typical laboratory equipment
Lab Safety
The safety of all people who visit and use the lab is of utmost importance. We value every person and their safety. Before faculty, students and visiting scholars can use the facility, they must first complete the new personnel safety training.
- Obtain an Initial Safety Training Packet from the BAE main office in 2030 Bainer
- Meet with your Principal Investigator (PI) and go over your Individual Safety Plan and Job Safety Analysis Form
- Complete the UC Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Course