Changing Majors

Changing Majors for Biological Systems Engineering (EBSE)

Each year, the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering accepts a number of qualified students from other majors. If you would like to learn more about changing majors, please email the undergraduate advising office at to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss the major and change of major process.

  • For students that came to UC Davis as a Freshman

  • To be eligible to change your major, all of the following criteria must be met.

    1. Be a registered student and have completed at least one quarter (minimum of 12 units) at UC Davis.
    2. Have completed not more than 135 cumulative units (excluding AP units); students who have completed more than 135 units will be considered on an appeal basis only.
    3. Be in good academic standing and meet minimum progress requirements.
    4. Have met the following:
    >completed at least the following five courses: MAT 21A,B,C; PHY 9A; and CHE 2A;
    >have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in all completed MAT, PHY, BIS, and CHE courses required for your intended major, and have received a C- or better in each of these courses.
    5. Have received a letter grade for all courses that satisfy Engineering degree requirements for your intended major.
    6 Have no grade lower than a C- in any completed engineering course required for your intended major(s) taken at UC Davis.
    7. Have a 2.0 or higher UC GPA in completed engineering courses.

  • For students that came to UC Davis as a Transfer Student

  • Be a registered student and have completed at least one quarter (minimum of 12 units) at UC Davis

    Have completed not more than 135 cumulative units (excluding AP units); students who have completed more than 135 units will be considered on an appeal basis only

    Be in good academic standing and meet minimum progress requirements

    Have received a letter grade for all courses that satisfy Engineering degree requirements

    Have completed all transfer admission coursework and GPA requirements for the intended major (see for details). For students who have not completed all transfer admission requirements at their previous institution, they must earn a 2.0 GPA or higher in these remaining courses at UC Davis, and receive a C- or better in each of these courses.

    Have no grade lower than a C- in any completed engineering course required for your intended major(s) taken at UC Davis

    Have a 2.0 UC GPA or higher in completed engineering courses.
  • Double Majoring

  • The process to declare a double major is the same as declaring a single major. Students who wish to add an additional major are required to complete a Change of Major webform. The Change of Major form must be submitted to the appropriate advisors and dean’s offices involved.

    Double majors within the College of Engineering will be allowed with the exception of the following combinations:
    Computer Science Engineering and Computer Science (L&S)
    Computer Science Engineering and Electrical Engineering
    Computer Science Engineering and Computer Engineering
    Please note: Triple (and more) majors will not be approved.

  • Changing to a Major NOT in the College of Engineering

  • Follow the below steps if you wish to move from EBS to a different major:

    First, you must meet the academic requirements of the major and receive the appropriate approvals.

    Complete the Change of Major webform.

    Please note: permission to transfer from one college to another may be denied or deferred if you are are not in good academic standing and/or you have a GPA of less than 2.0 in courses that are required by the new major.

Changing Majors to Agricultural & Environmental Technology (AAET)

Each year, the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering accepts a number of qualified students from other majors. If you would like to learn more about changing majors, please email the undergraduate advising office at to schedule an appointment with the AAET advisor to discuss the major and change of major process.