Graduate Mentorship

Mentorship Support Network

The advising experience for graduate students is different than the undergraduate program.  Graduate students have the benefit of working with an Advising Support Network focused on mentoring and guiding students through the program to eventual success. The Advising Support Network is composed of a major professor, the graduate faculty advisor, and the graduate program coordinator.

Major Professor: The major professor is the faculty mentor with whom the graduate student works most closely (often their Principal Investigator). They help students identify a desired area of focus, establish a course of study that builds skills in that area, hone in on a research topic, complete the research, and prepare for a career.

Graduate Faculty Advisor: The graduate advisor acts as a student’s first source for questions regarding degree requirements and helps students determine the best plan of study (course selection) based on the student’s prior training and research interests. Graduate advisors have official signing authority for all Office of Graduate Studies Forms and will need to approve all paperwork before submitting.

Graduate Program Coordinator: The graduate program coordinator helps students will all non-academic questions and concerns. This includes connecting students to campus resources, explaining policies and procedures, acting as a liaison, and advocating for students within the graduate program.

To make an appointment with the Graduate Program Coordinator, visit the UC Davis Advising Appointment System and select "Biological and Agricultural Engineering" from the drop-down menu(s). Then select "Graduate - Biological Systems Engineering Advising" to view the calendar and schedule an appointment.


Webpage updated: 03/2023

Graduate Mentorship Team