Learn how to integrate the next generation of technologies such as big data, robotics, digital technology, AI and machine learning for more advanced, efficient and sustainable food, fiber and energy production.

- Precision Ag/Digital Ag Specialist
- Technology Integrator
- Tech Entrepreneur
- Farm Owner/Manager
- Environmental Consultant
- Business Manager
- Plant Supervisor
- Energy Conservation Specialist
- Product Manager
- Extension Associate
- Digital Agriculture
- Bioproducts and Wearable Technologies
- Energy and Environmental Technologies
Lower Division Preparatory Course Work
- Accounting (4 units)
MGT 011A—Elementary Accounting (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Basic concepts of accounting; interpreting and using financial statements; understanding accounting principles. GE credit: SS. Effective: 2017 Summer Session 1. - Chemistry (10 units)
HE 002A—General Chemistry (5)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion/Laboratory—4 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): High school chemistry and physics, and concurrent enrollment in mathematics at or above the level of MAT 012 strongly recommended; must earn a qualifying score of 24 or better on the Chemistry Placement Exam; more information about the Chemistry Placement Requirements to ensure enrollment in CHE 002A can be found at https://chemistry.ucdavis.edu/undergraduate/general-chemistry-series/chemistry-placement-requirements. Periodic table, stoichiometry, chemical equations, physical properties and kinetic theory of gases, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases. Laboratory experiments in stoichiometric relations, properties and collection of gases, atomic spectroscopy, introductory quantitative analysis and acids and bases. Only three units of credit for students who have completed CHE 004A. Not open for credit for students who have completed CHE 002AH or CHE 004B. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. Effective: 2021 Fall Quarter.CHE 002B—General Chemistry (5)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion/Laboratory—4 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): CHE 002A C- or better. Continuation of CHE 002A. Thermodynamics, atomic and molecular structure and chemical bonding, condensed phases and intermolecular forces, solubility. Laboratory experiments in thermochemistry, equilibria, and quantitative analysis using volumetric methods. Only three units of credit for students who have completed CHE 004A. Not open for credit for students who have completed CHE 002BH or CHE 004B. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. Effective: 2021 Fall Quarter. - Computer Science (4 units)
- In Development: TAE 30 (4)
Introduction to modern computer technologies and the applications of sensing technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture and the environment. The main topics include IoT and embedded devices and their social benefits and potential challenges such as privacy and security concerns; sensors and actuators; microcontrollers functionality and programming using block-based language; data communication via wireless; data analysis and web-based visualization; designing dynamic web applications and interfaces; and hands‐on IoT-based projects such as monitoring animal behavior, controlling plant environment, optimizing energy intensive processes, or monitoring air/water quality and safety. - Economics (8 units)
ECN 001A—Principles of Microeconomics (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). ECN 001A & ECN 001B may be taken in either order. Analysis of the allocation of resources and the distribution of income through a price system; competition and monopoly; the role of public policy; comparative economic systems. GE credit: ACGH, QL, SS. Effective: 2004 Fall Quarter.ECN 001B—Principles of Macroeconomics (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). ECN 001A & ECN 001B may be taken in either order. Analysis of the economy as a whole; determinants of the level of income, employment and prices; money and banking, economic fluctuations, international trade, economic development; the role of public policy. GE credit: ACGH, QL, SS. Effective: 2004 Fall Quarter. - Mathematics (12 units)
MAT 017A—Calculus for Biology & Medicine (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school algebra, plane geometry, plane trigonometry, and analytical geometry, and satisfying the Mathematics Placement Requirement. Introduction to differential calculus via applications in biology and medicine. Limits, derivatives of polynomials, trigonometric, and exponential functions, graphing, applications of the derivative to biology and medicine. Not open for credit to students who have completed MAT 016B, MAT 016C, MAT 021A, MAT 021B, or MAT 021C; only 2 units of credit to students who have completed MAT 016A. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. Effective: 2014 Fall Quarter.MAT 021A—Calculus (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school algebra, plane geometry, plane trigonometry, and analytical geometry, and satisfying the Mathematics Placement Requirement. Functions, limits, continuity. Slope and derivative. Differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions. Applications to motion, natural growth, graphing, extrema of a function. Differentials. L'Hopital's rule. Not open for credit to students who have completed MAT 016B, MAT 016C, MAT 017B, or MAT 017C; only 2 units of credit to students who have completed MAT 016A or MAT 017A. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. Effective: 2012 Winter Quarter.MAT 017B—Calculus for Biology & Medicine (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): MAT 016A C- or better or MAT 017A C- or better or MAT 021A C- or better or MAT 021AH C- or better. Introduction to integral calculus and elementary differential equations via applications to biology and medicine. Fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques of integration including integral tables and numerical methods, improper integrals, elementary first order differential equations, applications in biology and medicine. Not open for credit to students who have completed MAT 016C, MAT 021B, or MAT 021C; only 2 units of credit for students who have completed MAT 016B. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. Effective: 2017 Winter Quarter.MAT 021B—Calculus (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): (MAT 021A C- or better or MAT 021AH C- or better) or MAT 017A B or better. Continuation of MAT 021A. Definition of definite integral, fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques of integration. Application to area, volume, arc length, average of a function, improper integral, surface of revolution. May be taught abroad. Only 2 units of credit to students who have completed MAT 016B, MAT 016C, MAT 017B, or MAT 017C. GE credit: QL, SE. Effective: 2017 Winter Quarter.MAT 017C—Calculus for Biology & Medicine (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): MAT 017B C- or better. Matrix algebra, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, systems of differential equations, and applications to biology and medicine. Not open for credit to students who have completed MAT 021C; only 2 units of credit to students who have completed MAT 016C. GE credit: SE, SL. Effective: 2016 Fall Quarter.MAT 021C—Calculus (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): MAT 016C C- or better or MAT 017C C- or better or MAT 021B C- or better or MAT 021BH C- or better or MAT 017B B or better. Continuation of MAT 021B. Sequences, series, tests for convergence, Taylor expansions. Vector algebra, vector calculus, scalar and vector fields. Partial derivatives, total differentials. Applications to maximum and minimum problems in two or more variables. Applications to physical systems. GE credit: QL, SE. Effective: 2017 Winter Quarter. - Physics (6 units)
PHY 001A—Principles of Physics (3)
Lecture—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): Trigonometry or consent of instructor. Mechanics. Introduction to general principles and analytical methods used in physics with emphasis on applications in applied agricultural and biological sciences and in physical education. Not open to students who have received credit for PHY 007B or PHY 009A. GE credit: SE. Effective: 1997 Winter Quarter.PHY 001B—Principles of Physics (3)
Lecture—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): PHY 001A or PHY 009A. Not open for credit to students who have received credit for PHY 007A, PHY 007B, PHY 007C, PHY 009B, PHY 009C, or PHY 009D. Continuation of PHY 001A. Heat, optics, electricity, modern physics. Not open for credit to students who have received credit for PHY 007A, PHY 007B, PHY 007C, PHY 009B, PHY 009C, or PHY 009D. GE credit: SE. Effective: 1997 Winter Quarter. - Statistics (4 units)
STA 013—Elementary Statistics (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school algebra or Mathematics D. Descriptive statistics; basic probability concepts; binomial, normal, Student's t, and chi-square distributions. Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for one and two means and proportions. Regression. Not open for credit for students who have completed STA 013V, or higher. GE credit: QL, SE. Effective: 2016 Fall Quarter.
Advising Information