Becoming a GBSE Faculty Member

UC Davis faculty who wish to participate in GBSE, in particular to be the adviser of graduate students in the Biological Systems Engineering graduate program, can apply for membership in GBSE.

Please review the articles of membership below and submit an application if you are interested in becoming a member of the GBSE graduate program.

ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP (excerpt from our program bylaws regarding membership)

  1. Membership in the Program shall be limited to faculty of the University of California who are qualified to guide candidates towards graduate degrees in Biological Systems Engineering and who participate in the activities of the Program. Membership is based on disciplinary expertise and is independent of specific department Appointment or Academic Senate membership.
  2. A faculty member wishing to join the Program may apply directly for membership or may be nominated by a Program member. The Membership Committee shall evaluate each candidate as per the guidelines stated in Article II.3. The Committee’s evaluation, a vitae, and a ballot will be sent to members of the Program. Nominees shall be deemed elected upon receiving a majority vote of all members voting. Upon the election of a new member, said person shall be sent a letter of invitation by the Graduate Program Chair and be considered a member only in the event of an affirmative reply.
  3. Membership requirements/expectations include the following:
    1. Having an active research program in Biological Systems Engineering commensurate with the expectations of the University of California.
    2. Taking an active role in the administration of the graduate program by serving on Program administrative committees.
    3. Providing graduate level instruction, where appropriate.
    4. Advising and mentoring Biological Systems Engineering graduate students. This includes serving on guidance, thesis/dissertation, and qualifying exam committees.   

GBSE Faculty Membership application: HERE.