Food Engineering Lab
The recently revitalized Food Engineering Lab in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering boasts state-of-the-art equipment in a clean and well laid out environment. The lab featuring equipment such as the Human Gastric Simulator (HGS).

- TA-XT2 Texture Analyzer
- Mastersizer
- MCD-382 Modular Compact Rheometer
- Peristaltic Simulator
- Digital Photo Particle Measurement
- Professional Rancimat
- Spectrophotometer - Microplate Reader
- Shaking and Non-shaking Water Bath
- Ultra Turrax High Shear Mixer
- Legend XFR Centrifuge
- Vacuum Oven and Incubation Oven
- Fume Hoods including Percholoric Acid Fume Hood
- B-290 Büchi Mini Spray Dryer
- Stomacher 400 Circulator

Lab Safety
The safety of all people who visit and use the lab is of utmost importance. We value every person and their safety. Before faculty, students and visiting scholars can use the facility, they must first complete the new personnel safety training.
- Obtain an Initial Safety Training Packet from the BAE main office in 2030 Bainer
- Meet with your Principal Investigator (PI) and go over your Individual Safety Plan and Job Safety Analysis Form
- Complete the UC Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Course