Gail Bornhorst, Ph.D

Gail Bornhorst UC Davis Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Position Title

  • Biological and Agricultural Engineering
  • Food Science and Technology
3056 Bainer Hall


As a faculty member in the Departments of Biological & Agricultural Engineering and Food Science & Technology, Dr. Bornhorst’s research focuses on quantitative methods to understand material transport, breakdown, and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract to improve food safety and quality, increase consumer health benefits, and optimize food processing operations. Her lab works on quantifying changes in material properties during digestion and their impact on food breakdown and nutrient release, development of next-generation dynamic in vitro model systems, and the impact of processing and cooking methods on food digestion processes.

Selected Recent Publications

K.C. Drechsler, G.M. Bornhorst. 2018. Modeling the softening of carbohydrate-based foods during simulated gastric digestion. Journal of Food Engineering. 222: 38-48.

Y.A. Mennah-Govela, G.M. Bornhorst. 2017. Fresh-squeezed orange juice properties before and during in vitro digestion as influenced by orange variety and processing method. Journal of Food Science. 82(10): 2438-2447.

G.M. Bornhorst. 2017. Gastric mixing during digestion: Mechanisms and applications. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. 8: 523 – 542.

Y.A. Mennah-Govela, G.M. Bornhorst. 2016. Mass transport processes in orange-fleshed sweet potatoes leading to structural changes during in vitro gastric digestion. Journal of Food Engineering. 191: 48-57.

K. Gebauer, J.A. Novotny, G.M. Bornhorst, D.J. Baer. 2016. Food processing and structure impact the metabolizable energy of almonds. Food and Function. DOI: 10.1039/c6fo01076h.

G.M. Bornhorst, K.C. Drechsler, C.A. Montoya, S.M. Rutherfurd, P.J. Moughan, R.P. Singh. 2016. Gastric protein hydrolysis of raw and roasted almonds in the growing pig. Food Chemistry. 211: 502-508.

G.M. Bornhorst, M.J. Ferrua, R.P. Singh. 2015. A proposed food breakdown classification system to predict food behavior during gastric digestion. Journal of Food Science. 80(5): R924-934.

G.M. Bornhorst, S.M. Rutherfurd, M.J. Roman, B.J. Burri, P.J. Moughan, R.P. Singh. 2014. Gastric pH distribution and mixing of soft and rigid foods in the stomach using a dual-marker technique. Food Biophysics. 9(3): 292-300.

G.M. Bornhorst, R.P. Singh. 2014. Gastric digestion in vivo and in vitro: How the structural aspects of food influence the digestion process. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. 5:111-132.

G.M. Bornhorst, M.J. Ferrua, S.M. Rutherfurd, D.R. Heldman, R.P. Singh. 2013. Rheological properties and textural attributes of cooked brown and white rice during gastric digestion in vivo. Food Biophysics. 8(2): 137-150.
