Position Title
Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Postharvest engineering, handling (storage, drying, etc.), traceability, and processing of agricultural commodities with a goal of reducing energy consumption while ensuring food quality and safety. These are critical issues for the fresh market fruit and vegetable, dried fruit, tree nut, and rice industries in California and the World.
Selected Publications
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E., Chen R., & Pease, A. Evaluation of undesirable fibrous tissue in processing carrots using X-ray CT and structural fiber biochemistry. 2015. J. of Food Engineering 153: 108-116.
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E, Kavdir, I, Shahriari, D., and Pease, A. Development and applicability of an agarose-based tart cherry phantom for computer tomography (CT) imaging. 2015. J. of Food Meas. and Charact., In Press.DOI: 10.1007/s11694-015-9234-7
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E., & Pease, A. Postharvest noninvasive assessment of fresh chestnut (Castanea spp.) internal decay using X-ray CT images. 2014. Postharvest Biology and Technology 94: 14-25.
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E., & Pease, A, & Barthel, F. Internal characterisation of fresh agricultural products using traditional and ultrafast electron beam X-ray CT imaging. 2014. Biosystems engineering 117: 104-113.
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E., Leiva-Valenzuela, G. A., & Burns, J. Assessment of chestnut (Castanea spp.) slice quality using color images. 2013. J. of Food Eng. 115: 407-414.
Rady, A.M., Guyer, D.E., Kirk, W., & Donis-González, I.R. The potential use of visible/near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging to predict processing-related constituents of potatoes. 2014. J. of Food Eng. 135: 11-25.
Donis-González, I.R., Guyer, D.E., & Pease, A. Application of Response Surface Methodology to systematically optimize image quality in computer tomography: A case study using fresh chestnuts (Castanea spp.). 2012. Comput. Electron. Agric. 87: 94-107.
Guyer, D.E., Donis-González, I.R., Burns, J, & DeKleine, M. Effects of mechanical harvesting and physical compression, in combination with a Storox® postharvest dip, on internal quality attributes of ‘Colossal’ chestnuts (Castanea sativa x C.crenata). 2013. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 29(6): 1013-1017.
Hao J. J., Huawei L., Donis-Gonzalez, I. R., Lu, X. H., Jones, D. A., & Fulbright, D. W. 2011. Antimicrobial Activity of Chestnut Extracts for Potential Use in Managing Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Plant Disease 96, 3: 354-360.
Donis-Gonzalez, I. R, Ryser, E.T., Guyer, D., & Fulbright, D.W. Shell Mold and Kernel Decay of Fresh Chestnuts in Michigan. 2010. Acta Horticulturae 866: 353-358.
Donis-Gonzalez, I. R, Ryser, E.T., Guyer, D., & Fulbright, D.W. Efficacy of postharvest treatments for reduction of molds and decay in fresh Michigan chestnuts. 2010. Acta Horticulturae 866: 563-569.
Donis-Gonzalez, I. R., Mandujano, M., Medina-Mora, C., & Fulbright, D. W. Presence of mycotoxins after 90 days of storage in fresh chestnuts. 2009. Acta Horticulturae 844: 69-74.