Position Title
Adjunct Professor; PIET Director; Blum Center Associate Director and Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities Champion
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Program for International Energy Technology (PIET)
- Blum Center for Developing Economies
- Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities
Development of technologies for efficient use of energy in various contexts. Application of innovative technologies to solving problems in developing areas of the world including engineering research as well as social and economic issues related to the needs and uses of energy.
Selected Publications
Yingying Zheng, Bryan Jenkins, Kurt Kornbluth, Alissa Kendall, and Chresten Traeholt. “Optimal Design and Operating Strategies for a Biomass-Fueled Combined Heat and Power System with Energy Storage”, Energy, 15 July 2018, vol. 155, pages 620-629.
Yingying Zheng, Bryan Jenkins, Kurt Kornbluth, and Chresten Traeholt, “Optimization under Uncertainty of a Biomass-Integrated Renewable Energy Microgrid with Energy Storage”, Renewable Energy, August 2018, vol. 123, pages 204-217.
Naman S. Benday, Daniel M. Dryden, Kurt Kornbluth and Pieter Stroeve, “A temperature-variant method for performance modeling and economic analysis of thermoelectric generators: Linking material properties to real-world conditions”, Applied Energy, 2017, vol. 190, issue C, 7, pages 64-771.
Kurt Kornbluth, Colin Mickle, and Kelly Hestmark, (2016) “Modeling the Prospects of Plug-In Electric Buses to Reduce GHG Emissions and Cost While Meeting Route Demands: A Case Study of the “Unitrans” Bus Fleet Serving the Davis, California Urbanized Area”. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 7, 164-173.
Steven Wiryadinata, Mark Modera, Bryan Jenkins, Kurt Kornbluth, “Technical and economic feasibility of unitary, horizontal ground-loop geothermal heat pumps for space conditioning in selected California climate zones”. Energy and Buildings. Volume 119, 1 May 2016, Pages 164-172, ISSN 0378-7788
Magdalena Brum, Paul Erickson, Bryan Jenkins, Kurt Kornbluth, “A comparative study of district and individual energy systems providing electrical-based heating, cooling, and domestic hot water to a low-energy use residential community”. Energy and Buildings. Volume 92, 1 April 2015, Pages 306-312, ISSN 0378-7788
Kurt Kornbluth, Jon Cook, and Paul Erickson, “A More Renewable-Friendly Electrical Grid: Thermal Storage Refrigeration for Demand Response in California and Denmark”. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Vol 3, November 2012.
Kurt Kornbluth, Bryan Pon, and Paul Erickson, “An investigation of the cost and performance of a LED/Solar light designed as an alternative to candles in Zambia: A World Bank project case study”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, volume 17, issue 9, pages 6737-6745, December 2012.
Kurt Kornbluth, Jason Greenwood, Zach McCaffrey, and Paul Erickson, “Economic feasibility of hydrogen enrichment for reducing NOx emissions from landfill gas power generation: A comparison of the levelized cost of electricity with present strategies”. Energy Policy, Volume 41, February 2012, Pages 333–339.
James Stiling, Simon Li, Pieter Stroeve, Jim Thompson, Bertha Mjawa, Kurt Kornbluth, and Barrett, Diane; “Enhanced Fruit Solar Drying Using Concentrating Panels”. Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 16, March 2012, pages 224-230.
Kurt Kornbluth, Jason Greenwood, Zach McCaffrey, Dave Vernon, and Paul Erickson, “Extension of the lean limit through hydrogen enrichment of a LFG-fueled spark-ignition engine with emphasis on NOx reduction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 35, Issue 3, February 2010, Pages 1412-1419.
Kurt Kornbluth, Zach McCaffrey, and Paul Erickson, “Incorporating in-cylinder pressure data to predict NOx emissions from spark-ignition engines fueled with landfill gas/hydrogen mixtures”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Issue 22, November 2009, Pages 9248-9257.
Kurt Kornbluth, Ryohei Hinokuma, Evan Johnson, and Zach McCaffrey, “Optimizing wind energy for a small hybrid wind/diesel grid in the Galapagos Islands”. Cape Peninsula University of Technology Domestic Use of Energy (DUE) Conference Journal, 2009.
Shazahda Chowdury and Kurt Kornbluth “A Study on the Stirling generator: Producing bioelectricity in Bangladesh”, Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology, 2006, Vol 1.
Kurt Kornbluth and Philip Osafo-Kwaako, “Challenges in the implementation of appropriate technology projects: The case of the DISACARE Wheelchair Center in Zambia”. 2005 National Academy of Engineering U.S. Frontiers of Engineering (USFOE) Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering Symposium, pages 37-44.
Kurt Kornbluth, Andrew F. Burke, Geoff Wardle, and Nathan Nickell, “Design of a freeway-capable narrow lane vehicle”, Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper Series, (2004-01-0760). Received Best Paper Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers.
Kurt Kornbluth, “The High Stability Omni-wheelchair”. 1996 Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Journal of Proceedings, Vol 16, pages 472-474.