Working Towards Zero-Net Energy Loss
Directed by Biological and Agricultural Engineering faculty, Dr. Kurt Kornbluth, the Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities (SCSC) is a UC Davis Big Idea. SCSC's goal is to use the campus and city of Davis a proxy city for other campuses and cities.
The Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities initiative will engage students in transforming the UC Davis campus into a practical-solutions showcase demonstrating how communities can significantly reduce GHG emissions even while growing. Students will collaborate with renowned faculty and staff experts to discover, test and implement solutions, at scale and in real time.
SCSC utilizes the unique features of UC Davis--such as its location in California (the fifth-largest economy in the world) and its status as an award-winning green campus--along with interdisciplinary expertise, industry partnerships, and more.
It is the hope of everyone involved in the project that one day UC Davis will serve as a carbon-neutral model for other universities around the globe.
Visit the Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Cities site here.