Position Title
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Prof. Jenkins teaches and conducts research in the areas of energy and power, with emphasis on biomass and other renewable resources. Dr. Jenkins has more than thirty years of experience working in the area of biomass thermochemical conversion including combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis. His research also includes analysis and optimization of energy systems. He teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses on energy systems, heat and mass transfer, solar energy, and power and energy conversion, including renewable energy and fuels, combined heat and power systems, economic analysis, and environmental impacts. Prof. Jenkins is a recipient of an Outstanding Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Energy for exceptional contributions to the development of bioenergy, and the Linneborn Prize from the European Union for outstanding contributions to the development of energy from biomass. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Selected Publications
Zhang, N., L. Wang, K. Zhang, T. Walker, P. Thy, B. Jenkins and Y. Zheng. 2019. Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass using bioleaching to reduce inorganic elements. Fuel 246:386-393.
Zheng, YY., B.M. Jenkins, K. Kornbluth, A. Kendall, C. Træholt. 2018. Optimization of a biomass-integrated renewable energy microgrid with demand side management under uncertainty. Applied Energy 230:836-844.
Merz, J., V. Bandaru, Q. Hart, N. Parker and B.M. Jenkins. 2018. Hybrid poplar based biorefinery siting web application (HP-BiSWA): an online decision support application for siting hybrid poplar based biorefineries. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 155:76-83.
Zheng, YY., B.M. Jenkins, K. Kornbluth, A. Kendall and C. Træholt. 2018. Optimal design and operating strategies for a biomass-fueled combined heat and power system with energy storage. Energy 155:620-629.
Zheng, YY., B.M. Jenkins, K. Kornbluth and C. Træholt. 2018. Optimization under uncertainty of a biomass-integrated renewable energy microgrid with energy storage. Renewable Energy 123:214-217.
Byrnes, R., V. Eviner, E. Kebreab, W.R. Horwath, L. Jackson, B.M. Jenkins, S. Kaffka, A. Kerr, J. Lewis, F.M. Mitloehner, J.P. Mitchell, K.M. Scow, K.L. Steenwerth and S. Wheeler. 2017. Review of research to inform California’s climate scoping plan: Agriculture and working lands. California Agriculture UC Global Food Initiative Special Issue, California Agriculture 71(3):160-168.
Thy, P., G.H. Barfod, A.M. Cole, E.L. Brown, B.M. Jenkins and C.E. Lesher. 2017. Trace metal release during wood pyrolysis. Fuel 203:548-556.
Hiloidhari, M., D.C. Baruah, A. Singh, S. Kataki, K. Medhi, S. Kumari, T.V. Ramachandra, B.M. Jenkins and I.S. Thakur. 2017. Emerging role of geographical information system (GIS), life cycle assessment (LCA) and spatial LCA (GIS-LCA) in sustainable bioenergy planning. Bioresource Technology 242(SI):218-226.
Liu, Z., L. Wang, B.M. Jenkins, Y. Li, W. Yi and Z. Li. 2017. Influence of alkali and alkaline earth metallic species on the phenolic species of pyrolysis oil. Bioresources 12(1):1611-1623.
Bandaru, V., Y. Pei, Q. Hart and B.M. Jenkins. 2017. Impact of biases in gridded weather datasets on biomass estimates of short rotation woody cropping systems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233:71-79.
Karimi, M., B. M. Jenkins and P. Stroeve. 2016. Multi-objective optimization of transesterification in biodiesel production catalyzed by immobilized lipase. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining 10:804–818, doi:10.1002/bbb.1706.
Wiryadinata, S., M. Modera, B. Jenkins and K. Kornbluth. 2016. Technical and economic feasibility of unitary, horizontal ground-loop geothermal heat pumps for space conditioning in selected California climate zones. Energy and Buildings 119:164-172.
Li Y., P.W. Tittmann, N.C. Parker and B.M. Jenkins. 2016. Economic impact of combined torrefaction and pelletization processes on forestry biomass supply. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12375.
Bandaru, V., N.C. Parker, Q. Hart, M. Jenner, B-L. Yeo, J.T. Crawford, Y. Li, P.W. Tittmann, L. Rogers, S.R. Kaffka and B.M. Jenkins. 2015. Economic sustainability modeling provides decision support for assessing hybrid poplar-based biofuel development in California. California Agriculture 69(3):171-176.
Aktas, T., P. Thy, R.B. Williams, Z. McCaffrey, R. Khatami and B.M. Jenkins. 2015. Characterization of almond processing residues from the Central Valley of California for thermal conversion. Fuel Processing Technology 140:132-147.
Hart, Q.J., P.W. Tittmann,V. Bandaru and B.M. Jenkins. 2015. Modeling poplar growth as a short rotation woody crop for biofuels in the Pacific Northwest, Biomass and Bioenergy, 79:12-27.
Brum, M., P. Erickson, B. Jenkins and K. Kornbluth. 2015. A comparative study of district and individual energy systems providing electrical-based heating, cooling, and domestic hot water to a low-energy use residential community. Energy and Buildings 92:306-312.
Steenwerth, K.L., A.K. Hodson, A.J. Bloom, M.R. Carter, A. Cattaneo, C.J. Chartres, J.L. Hatfield, K. Henry, J.W. Hopmans, W.R. Horwath, B.M. Jenkins, E. Kebreab, R. Leemans, L. Lipper, M.N. Lubell, S. Msangi, R. Prabhu, M.P. Reynolds, S.S. Solis, W.M. Sischo, M. Springborn, P. Tittonell, S.M. Wheeler, S.J. Vermeulen, E.K. Wollenberg, L.S. Jarvis and L.E. Jackson. 2014. Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action. Agriculture & Food Security 3:11, http://www.agricultureandfoodsecurity.com/content/3/1/11.
Karimi, M., B. Jenkins and P. Stroeve. 2014. Ultrasound irradiation in the production of ethanol from biomass. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40:400-421.
Yu, C.W., P. Thy, L. Wang, S.N. Anderson, J.S. VanderGheynst, S.K. Upadhyaya and B.M. Jenkins. 2014. Influence of leaching pretreatment on fuel properties of biomass. Fuel Processing Technology 128:43-53.
Prilepova, O., Q. Hart, J. Merz, N. Parker, V. Bandaru and B. Jenkins. 2014. Design of a GIS-based web application for simulating biofuel feedstock yields. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 3:929-941.
Karimi, M., A. Keyhani, A. Akram, M. Rahman, B. Jenkins and P. Stroeve. 2013. Hybrid response surface methodology-genetic algorithm optimization of ultrasound-assisted transesterification of waste oil catalysed by immobilized lipase on mesoporous silica/iron oxide magnetic core-shell nanoparticles. Environmental Technology 34(13-14):2201-2211, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2013.837939.
Thy, P., C.W. Yu, B.M. Jenkins and C.E. Lesher. 2013. Inorganic composition and environmental impact of biomass feedstock. Energy & Fuels 27:3969-3987.
Thy, P., C.W. Yu, S.L. Blunk and B.M. Jenkins. 2013. Inorganic composition of saline irrigated biomass. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 224(7):1617 (pp 1-17).
Schick, S.F., K.F. Farraro, C. Perrino, M. Sleiman, G. van de Vossenberg, M.P. Trinh, S.K. Hammond, B.M. Jenkins and J. Balmes. 2013. Thirdhand cigarette smoke in an experimental chamber: evidence of surface deposition of nicotine, nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and de novo formation of NNK. Tobacco Control 0:1 8. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050915.
Blarke, M.B. and B.M. Jenkins. 2013. Supergrid or Smartgrid: Competing strategies for large-scale integration of intermittent renewables? Energy Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.03.039i.
Zheng, Y., C. Lee, C.W. Yu, Y.S. Chen, R. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2013. Dilute acid pretreatment and fermentation of sugar beet pulp to ethanol. Applied Energy 105:1-7.
Schick, S.F. and K.F. Farraro, J. Fang, S. Nasir, J. Kim, D. Lucas, H. Wong, J. Balmes, D.K. Giles and B. Jenkins. 2012. An apparatus for generating aged cigarette smoke for controlled human exposure studies. Aerosol Science and Technology 46:1246-1255. (Corrigendum, Aerosol Science and Technology 47:114, 2013).
Zheng, Y., C. Lee, C.W. Yu, Y.S. Chen, C.W. Simmons, R. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2012. Ensilage and bioconversion of grape pomace into fuel ethanol. J. Agr. Food Chem. 60(44):11128-11134.
Zheng, Y., C.W. Yu, Y.S. Cheng, C. Lee, C.W. Simmons, T.M. Dooley, R.H. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins, and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2012. Integrating sugar beet pulp storage, hydrolysis and fermentation for fuel ethanol production. Applied Energy 93(SI):168-175.
Zheng, Y., Y.S. Cheng, C.W. Yu, R. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2012. Improving the efficiency of enzyme utilization for sugar beet pulp hydrolysis. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering DOI 10.1007/s00449-012-0743-z.
Rapport, J.L., R.H. Zhang, B.M. Jenkins, B.R. Hartsough and T.P. Tomich. 2011. Modeling the performance of the anaerobic phased solids digester system for biogas energy production. Biomass and Bioenergy 35(3):1263-1272.
Zheng, Y., M. Yates, H. Aung, Y.S. Cheng, C.W. Yu, H. Guo, R. Zhang, J. VanderGheynst and B.M. Jenkins. 2011. Influence of moisture content on microbial activity and silage quality during ensilage of food processing residues. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 34(8):987-995.
Zheng, Y., CW. Yu, YS. Chen, R. Zhang, B. Jenkins and J. S. VanderGheynst. 2011. Effects of ensilage on storage and enzymatic degradability of sugar beet pulp. Bioresource Technology 102:1489-1495.
Kim, D.H., B. M. Jenkins and J. H. Oh. 2011. Gypsum scale reduction and collection from drainage water in solar concentration. Desalination 265:140-147.
Tittmann, P., N. Parker, Q. Hart, and B. Jenkins. 2010. A spatially explicit techno-economic model of bioenergy and biofuels production in California. Journal of Transport Geography 18(6):715-728.
Thy, P., B.M. Jenkins, R.B. Williams, C.E. Lesher and R.R. Bakker. 2010. Bed agglomeration in fluidized bed combustor fueled by wood and rice straw blends. Fuel Processing Technology 91(11):1464-1485.
Cheng, YS, Y. Zheng, CW Yu, T.M. Dooley, B.M. Jenkins and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2010. Evaluation of high solids alkaline pretreatment of rice straw. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 162(6):1768-1784.
Parker, N., P. Tittmann, Q. Hart, R. Nelson, K. Skog, A. Schmidt, E. Gray and B. M. Jenkins. 2010. Development of a biorefinery optimized biofuel supply curve for the western United States. Biomass and Bioenergy 34(11):1597-1607.
Yu, CW, Y. Zheng, Y-S. Cheng, B.M. Jenkins, R. Zhang and J.S. VanderGheynst. 2010. Solid-liquid extraction of alkali metals and organic compounds by leaching of food industry residues, Bioresource Technology 101(12): 4331-4336.
Zhu, B., R. Zhang, P. Gikas, J. Rapport, B. Jenkins and X. Li. 2010. Biogas production from municipal solid wastes using an integrated rotary drum and anaerobic-phased solids digester system, Bioresource Technology 101(16):6374-6380.
Thy, P. and B.M. Jenkins. 2010. Mercury in biomass feedstock and combustion residuals. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 209(1-4):429-437.
Jenkins, B.M., C. Somerville, J.J. Stapleton. 2009. Biofuels: growing toward sustainability (editorial). California Agriculture 63(4):168-177.
Jenkins, B.M., R.B. Williams, N. Parker, P. Tittmann, Q. Hart, M.C. Gildart, S. Kaffka, B.R. Hartsough, P. Dempster. 2009. Sustainable use of California biomass resources can help meet state and national bioenergy targets. California Agriculture 63(4):168-177.
Thy, P., K.H. Esbensen, B.M. Jenkins. 2009. On representative sampling and reliable chemical characterization in thermal biomass conversion studies. Biomass and Bioenergy 33(11):1513-1519.
Zheng, Y., Z. Pan, R. Zhang and B.M. Jenkins. 2009. Kinetic modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated creeping wild ryegrass. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 102(6):1558-1569.