Bryan Jenkins wins prestigious ASABE leadership award
Biological and agricultural engineering (BAE) distinguished professor and department chair Bryan Jenkins was named the recipient of the 2020 James R. and Karen A. Gilley Academic Leadership Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
The award recognizes academic excellence and leadership through service as a department head or chair. Established in 2011, the award is given every year to one department head/chair in an accredited biological and/or agricultural engineering program around the world.
“This award better recognizes the outstanding faculty, students and staff of the department,” said Jenkins. “I have been privileged to work in a great department and a great university.”
Jenkins has been BAE’s department chair since 2014 and a member of the department for over 30 years. He has overseen the department’s 100th anniversary celebration, as well as the hire of eight new faculty members, while continuing teaching, mentorship, research and professional service in energy systems and the conversion of biomass to energy.
The award adds to his already prestigious career. He is an ASABE fellow and has received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Linneborn Prize from the European Union and the Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award from the UC Davis College of Engineering.
Jenkins will receive the honor at the 2020 ASABE annual international meeting in Omaha, Nebraska on July 15.
ASABE, founded in 1907, is an “educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food and biological systems,” according to its website.