Position Title
Professor and Department Chair
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
- CalAgrAbility
- (530) 752-1612
- fathallah@ucdavis.edu
- Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
- CalAgrAbility
- Faculty Website
Exposure assessment and development of interventions for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among agricultural workers; basic understanding of the effects of stooped postures and stooped work on the spine; biomechanics of ladders in agriculture.
Selected Publications
Aches and pains in agriculture: Have we done enough? Fathallah FA. 2010 Jul;16(3):139-40. PMID: 20836435
Development and evaluation of ergonomic interventions for bucket handling on farms. Fathallah FA, Tang SC, Waters T. Hum Factors. 2016 Aug;58(5):758-76. PMCID: PMC5101543
Effect of a personal weight transfer device on muscle activities and joint flexions in the stooped posture. Ulrey BL, Fathallah FA. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2013 Feb;23(1):195-205. PMID: 23021604
Low back muscle fatigue measurements of cyclic and prolonged stooped work. Nou D, Miller BJ, Fathalla FA. Proceedings Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2012;56(1):1196-1200.
Orchard ladders with shorter rung spacing for stone fruit harvest. Duraj V, Fathallah F, Miles J, Meyers J, Guzman D, Hunter T. 2015 Proceedings of the 19th International Ergonomics Triennial Congress. Melbourne, Australia.
Sensor-based stooped work monitoring in robot-aided strawberry harvesting. Khosro-Anjom F, Rehal RS, Fathallah FA, Wilken KD, Vougioukas SG. Am Soc Agr Bio Engineers. 2014; Paper number: 141913911.
Subject-specific, whole-body models of the stooped posture with a personal weight transfer device. Ulrey BL, Fathallah FA. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2013 Feb;23(1):206-15. PMID: 23021605