Position Title
Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension
GBSE Graduate Faculty Advisor
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Ag Safety & Health (Engineering Control), Agricultural Machine Systems (Design and Test), Instrumentation, Finite Element Analysis, Agricultural Mechanization.
Selected Publications
Referred Journal Articles
Khorsandi, F., P. Ayers, D. Denning, C. Jennissen, D. Jepsen, M. Myers, S. Oesch, M. Pate, D.J. White. 2020. Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicle Safety: Hazard Control Methods Using the Haddon Matrix.
Pourreza, A., Moghim, A., Niederholzer, F. JA, Larbi, P. A., Zuniga-Ramirez, G., Cheung, K. H., Khorsandi, F., Giles, D. K. 2020. Spray Backstop: A Method to Reduce Orchard Spray Drift Without Limiting the Spray and Air Delivery. Sustainable (MDPI).
Ayers, P., F. Khorsandi, M. Poland, C. Hilliard. 2019. Foldable rollover protective structures: Universal lift-assist design. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 185: 116-125.
Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, and E. Fong. 2019. Evaluation of Crush Protection Devices for Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicles. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 185: 161-173.
Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers. 2018. The Effect of Friction on Actuation Torques of the Foldable Roll-Over Protective Structure. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 24(4): 227-242.
Khorsandi, F., and P. D. Ayers. 2018. The Effect of Friction on Actuation Forces of the Foldable Roll-Over Protective Structure. Safety Science (Under review).
Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, R. S. Freeland, and X. Wang. 2018. Modeling the effect of liquid movement on the center of gravity calculation of agricultural vehicles. Journal of Terramechanics 75: 37-48.
Ayers, P. D., F. Khorsandi, X. Wang, and G. Araujo. 2018. ROPS designs to protect operators during agricultural tractor rollovers. Journal of Terramechanics. 75: 49-55.
Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, and T. J. Truster. 2017. Developing and evaluating a finite element model for predicting the rollover protective structure nonlinear behavior under SAE J2194 static test. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 156: 96–107.
Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, D. L. Jackson, and J. B. Wilkerson. 2016. The effect of speed on foldable ROPS actuation forces. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 22(4): 285-295.
Ayers, P. D., F. Khorsandi, Y. John, and G. Whitaker. 2016. Development and evaluation of a computer based ROPS design program. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 22(4): 247-260.
Khorsandi, F., M. Loghavi, and S. Kamgar. 2012. The effects of shaking frequency and amplitude on detachment of Estahban dried Fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz). Iran Agricultural Research. 31(1): 49-62.
Professional Papers
Ayers**[1], P., F. Khorsandi, X. Wang, and G. Araujo. 2016. ROPS designs to protect operators during tractor rollovers. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, Detroit, MI.
Ayers**, P., and F. Khorsandi. 2015. ROPS design and testing for rigid and foldable structures: Computer-based ROPS Design Program (CRDP) and foldable ROPS force analysis and lift assist design. Proceeding of the International Conference on Rural Health, Lodi, Italy.
Khorsandi, F., and P. D. Ayers**. 2015. Study on the effect of liquid movement on the static overturning angle (SOA) measurement of off road vehicles. Paper No. 2015043. ISTVS. Rome, Italy.
Khorsandi**, F., and P. D. Ayers. 2015. Developing a finite element (FE) model to predict the ROPS behavior under SAE J2194 standards test. Paper No. 152188568. ASABE. New Orleans LA.
Loghavi**, M., F. Khorsandi, and S. Souri. 2011. The effects of shaking frequency and amplitude on vibratory harvesting of almond (Prunus dulcis L. cv. 7 Shahrood). Paper No. 1111125. ASABE. Louisville, Ky.
Loghavi**, M., S. Souri, and F. Khorsandi. 2011. Physical and mechanical properties of almond (Prunus dulcis l. cv. 7Shahrood). Paper No. 1111126. ASABE. Louisville, Ky.
Loghavi**, M., F. Khorsandi, S. Kamgar, and S. Souri. 2010. The effects of shaking frequency and amplitude on detachment of Estahban dried fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz). 17th World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR). Québec, Canada.
Zare**, D., S. Souri, M. Loghavi, and F. Khorsandi. 2010. Design, fabrication and evaluation of moisture based fig sorter. 17th CIGR. Québec, Canada.
Loghavi**, M., S. Souri, D. Zare, and F. Khorsandi. 2010. Some physical and mechanical properties of Estahban edible fig (Ficus Carica cv. Sabz). ASABE Paper No. 1009102. ASABE. Pittsburgh, PA.
Khorsandi**, F., S. Souri, and M. H. Raoufat. 2011. Research on octagonal ring transducer (EORT) and usage in tillage study. First Congress on Mechanization and New Technologies in Agriculture. Ahvaz, Iran (in Persian).
Loghavi**, M., F. Khorsandi, and S. Souri. 2011. Fruit removal rate in vibratory harvesting of almond (Prunus dulcis l. cv. 7Shahrood). 11th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture. Istanbul, Turkey.
Loghavi**, M., S. Souri, and F. Khorsandi. 2011. Measuring moisture content of fig with three methods. 11th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture. Istanbul, Turkey.
Professional Presentations
Ayers**, P., F. Khorsandi, X. Wang, and G. Araujo. 2016. ROPS designs to protect operators during tractor rollovers. Presented at the Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, Detroit, MI.
Khorsandi**, F., and P. D. Ayers, 2016. Simulating SAE J2194 standard static test to predict the Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS) behavior using finite element technique. Paper No. 2460528. ASABE. Orlando, FL.
Ayers**, P. D., and F. Khorsandi. 2015. ROPS design and testing for rigid and foldable structures. IV International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture Agro–food and Forestry Systems (SHWA). Lodi, Italy.
Ayers**, P. D., F. Khorsandi, G. Araugo, and D. Jackson. 2015. Foldable ROPS force analysis and lift assist design. SHWA. Ragusa, Italy.
Ayers**, P., F. Khorsandi, Y. John, G. Whitaker, and J. Dixon. 2015. Protecting operators during tractor overturns – Foldable ROPS lift assist and Computer-based ROPS Design Program (CRDP). Presented at the 2015 ISASH Conference. Normal, IL.
Khorsandi, F., P. Ayers**, and R. Freeland. 2015. Study on the effect of liquid movement on the stability angle measurement of off roads vehicles. Presented at the Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, Rome, Italy.
Ayers**, P., F. Khorsandi, Y. John, G. Whitaker, and J. Dixon. 2015. Computer-based ROPS Design Program (CRDP): Evaluation of initial validation testing and implementation process. Presented at the 2015 ASABE Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Khorsandi**, F., and M. Loghavi. 2011. Comparison of hand harvesting method and mechanical harvesting of Estahban fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz). 5th National Congress of agricultural losses: Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
Souri, S., M. Loghavi, D. Zare, and F. Khorsandi**. 2011. Design, fabrication and evaluation of rotational cone for moisture base fig sorting. 5th National Congress of New Ideas in Agriculture. Isfahan, Iran (in Persian).
Souri, S., M. Loghavi, D. Zare, and F. Khorsandi**. 2011. Comparing moisture separator performance of fig (rotating cone and belt conveyor). 5th National Congress of New Ideas in Agriculture. Isfahan, Iran (in Persian).
Souri, S., M. Loghavi, D. Zare, and F. Khorsandi**. 2011. Fig moisture based sorting by using belt conveyor. 5th National Congress of New Ideas in Agriculture. Isfahn, Iran (in Persian).
Khorsandi**, F., S. Souri, and M. Loghavi. 2011. Comparison of hand harvesting method and mechanical harvesting of almond (Prunus dulcis L. cv.7Shahrood). First Congress on Mechanization and New Technologies in Agriculture: Ahvaz, Iran (in Persian).
Souri, S., F. Khorsandi**, and M. Loghavi. 2011. Comparison two methods of fig (ficus carica cv. sabz) moisture based sorting. First Congress on Mechanization and New Technologies in Agriculture: Ahvaz, Iran (in Persian).
Khorsandi**, F., M. Loghavi, and S. Kamgar. 2010. The effects of shaking time, frequency and amplitude on detachment of Estahban dried fig (Ficus carica cv. Sabz). 6th national Congress of Agricultural Engineering. Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
Souri**, S., F. Khorsandi, and M. Loghavi. 2010. Comparison methods of moisture content measurement of fig. 6th National Congress of Agricultural Engineering. Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
** The paper presenter