Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- SmartFarm Director
Instrumentation and postharvest engineering for biological materials; packaging, handling, storage and transportation of agricultural commodities; nondestructive measurement of the quality and composition of biological materials; robotics, control and vision systems.
Selected Publications
Liang, PS., Slaughter, D.C., Ortega-Beltran, A., Michailides, T.J. 2015. Detection of fungal infection in almond kernels using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 137: 64-72.
Nguyen, T.T., Slaughter, D.C., Max, N., Maloof, J.N., Sinha, N. 2015. Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants. SENSORS 15(8):18587-18612.
Nguyen, T.T., Slaughter, D.C., Hanson, B.D., Barber, A., Freitas, A., Robles, D., Whelan, E. 2015. Automated Mobile System for Accurate Outdoor Tree Crop Enumeration Using an Uncalibrated Camera. 15(8): 18427-18442.
Perez-Ruiz, M., D.C. Slaughter, F.A. Fathallah, C.J. Gliever, B.J. Miller. 2014. Co-robotic intra-row weed control system. Biosystems Engineering 126:45-55.
Garrido, M., Perez-Ruiz, M., Valero, C., Gliever, C.J., Hanson, B.D., Slaughter, D.C., 2014. Active Optical Sensors for Tree Stem Detection and Classification in Nurseries. Sensors 14(6): 10783-10803.
Slaughter, D.C. 2014. The Biological Engineer: Sensing the Difference Between Crops and Weeds. Chapter 5 in S.L. Young and F.J. Pierce (eds.), Automation: The Future of Weed Control in Cropping Systems, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7512-1_5. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 265p.
Dhillon, R. V. Udompetaikul, F. Rojo, J. Roach, S. Upadhyaya, D. Slaughter, B. Lampinen, K. Shackel. 2014. Detection of Plant Water Stress Using Leaf Temperature and Microclimatic Measurements in Almond, Walnut, and Grape Crops. TRANSACTIONS of ASABE. 57(1): 297-304. (doi: 10.13031/trans.57.10319).
Tiwari, G., D.C. Slaughter, and M. Cantwell. 2013. Nondestructive maturity determination in green tomatoes using a handheld visible and near infrared instrument. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 86: 221–229.
Slaughter, D. C.; Crisosto, C. H.; Tiwari, G. 2013. Nondestructive determination of flesh color in clingstone peaches. J OF FOOD ENGINEERING 116(4): 920-925
Nielsen, M., D.C. Slaughter, and C. Gliever. 2012. Vision-Based 3D Peach Tree Reconstruction for Automated Blossom Thinning. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 8(1): 188-196.
Perez-Ruiz, M., D.C., Slaughter, C. Gliever, and SK Upadhyaya. 2012. Automatic GPS-based intra-row weed knife control system for transplanted row crops. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. 80: 41-49.
Perez-Ruiz, M., D.C., Slaughter, C. Gliever, and SK Upadhyaya. 2012. Tractor-based Real-time Kinematic-Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) guidance system for geospatial mapping of row crop transplant. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING Volume: 111(1): 64-71.
Zhang, Y., D.C. Slaughter, E.S. Staab. 2012. Robust hyperspectral vision-based classification for multi-season weed mapping. J. of Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing. 69: 65-73 DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2012.02.006.
Zhang, Y. E.S. Staab, D.C. Slaughter, D.K. Giles, and D. Downey. 2012. Automated weed control in organic row crops using hyperspectral species identification and thermal micro-dosing. Crop Protection 41: 96-105
Zhang, Y., and D.C. Slaughter. 2011. Hyperspectral species mapping for automatic weed control in tomato under thermal environmental stress. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 77(1): 95-104 DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2011.04.001
Zhang, Y., and D.C. Slaughter. 2011. Influence of solar irradiance on hyperspectral imaging-based plant recognition for autonomous weed control. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 110(3): 330-339 DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2011.09.006
Haff, R. P.; Slaughter, D. C.; Jackson, E. S. 2011. X-RAY based stem detection in an automatic tomato weeding system. Applied Engineering In Agriculture 27(5): 803-810.
Perez-Ruiz, M., J. Aguera, J.A. Gil, and D.C. Slaughter. 2011. Optimization of agrochemical application in olive groves based on positioning sensor . Precision Agriculture. 12(4): 564-575.
Kitthawee, U., S. Pathaveerat, T. Srirungruang, and D. Slaughter. 2011. Mechanical bruising of young coconut. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 109(3): 211-219.
Padda, M., C.V.T. do Amarante, R.M. Garcia, D.C. Slaughter, and E.J. Mitcham. 2011. Methods to analyze physico-chemical changes during mango ripening: A multivariate approach. Postharvest Biology and Technology 62(3): 267–274.
Saha, R., NS. Raghuwanshi, SK Upadhyaya, WW Wallender, DC Slaughter. 2011. Water sensors with cellular system eliminate tail water drainage in alfalfa irrigation. CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE 65(4): 202-207 DOI: 10.3733/ca.v065n04p202
Downey, D., R. Ehsani, K. Giles, S. Haneklaus, D. Karimi, K. Panten, F. Pierce, E. Schnug, D.C. Slaughter, S. Upadhyaya, D. Wulfsohn. 2010. Advanced Engineering Systems for Specialty Crops: A Review of Precision Agriculture for Water, Chemical, and Nutrient Application, and Yield Monitoring. Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special issue no. 340: 1-88.
Thornton, C.R., D.C. Slaughter, and R.M. Davis. 2010. Detection of the sour-rot pathogen Geotrichum candidum in tomato fruit and juice by using a highly specific monoclonal antibody-based ELISA. Int. J. of Food Microbiology 143:166–172.
Gonzalez, M.E., J.A. Jernstedt, D.C. Slaughter, and D.M. Barrett. 2010. Influence of Cell Integrity on Textural Properties of Raw, High Pressure, and Thermally Processed Onions. J. Food Sci. 75(7):E409-E416.
Gonzalez, M.E., J.A. Jernstedt, D.C. Slaughter and D.M. Barrett. 2010. Microscopic Quantification of Cell Integrity in Raw and Processed Onion Parenchyma Cells. J. Food Sci. 75(7):E402-E408.
Saha, R., S.K. Upadhyaya, W.W. Wallender, and D.C. Slaughter. 2010. Inverse solution of soil-water transport model parameters using response surface methodology. Trans. of the ASABE 53(4):1137-1145.
Sun, H, D.C. Slaughter, M. Perez Ruiz, C. Gliever, S.K. Upadhyaya, and R.F. Smith. 2010. RTK GPS mapping of transplanted row crops. 2010. Computers & Elec. in Ag. 71(1):32-37.
Obenland, D., D. Margosan, S. Collin, J. Sievert, K. Fjeld, M. L. Arpaia, J. Thompson, and D. Slaughter. 2009. Peel Fluorescence as a Means to Identify Freeze-damaged Navel Oranges. HortTechnology. 9(2): 379-384.
Wong, E.S., D.C. Slaughter, H. Wada, M.A. Matthews, K.A. Shackel. 2009. Computer vision system for automated cell pressure probe operation. Biosystems Engineering. 103(2): 129 – 136
Slaughter, D.C., M. Ruiz-Altisent, J. F. Thompson, P. Chen, Y. Sarig, M. Anderson. 2009. A handheld, low-mass, impact instrument to measure nondestructive firmness of fruit. Trans. of the ASABE. 52(1): 193-199.