Ability Solutions for Agricultural Communities

From left to right, Kevin Coral, Esmeralda Mandujano, Fadi Fathallah, Sara Wat
The UC Davis California AgrAbility Program’s mission is to promote independence in farming and rural living for people with injuries, disabilities, and illnesses.
To accomplish the mission, California AgrAbility provides bilingual (English and Spanish) service capacity through innovative educational programs designed to advance individual capabilities, adapt new technologies, and deliver program content through appropriate educational venues. California AgrAbility also partners with Ability Tools, a program from the California Foundation of Independent Living Centers (CFLC) to connect Californians of all ages with assistive technology devices, tools, and services.
Program staff conduct workshops and seminars for health, rehabilitation, and other professionals on rehabilitating farmers and workers.
Directed by Fadi Fathallah, Ph.D and Co-Directed by Farzaneh Khorsandi, Ph.D, California AgrAbility's office is 3030 Bainer Hall. In addition to Dr. Fathallah and Dr. Khorsandi, the team is composed of Esmeralda Mandujano, Sara Wat and Kevin Coral.
English & Spanish ♦ 1-800-477-6129 (toll-free)
530-752-1613 (direct)
530-752-2640 (fax)
For eligibility and more, visit California AgrAbility's website
More Program Information
The following video, produced by the National AgrAbility Program at Purdue University, gives a brief perspective into the program.