
BAE at the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Field Day

Every year in early March, the Biological & Agricultural Engineering (BAE) department partners with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) to hold three contests for the annual Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Field Day. Field Day acts as a showcase for both the BAE Department and the CA&ES because it is open to FFA and 4-H high school students from California and surrounding states.

Galen Tigan wins the First Quarter 2016 Safety Star

Galen Tigan is a Staff Research Associate and the Safety Coordinator for the Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory (FCCL) in Byron, CA. The FCCL is a satellite research lab that is working to save the endangered Delta Smelt. Galen’s efforts to prepare the facility and staff for the Annual Comprehensive Lab Safety Review and the IACUC inspections have yielded outstanding results. He is a member of the BAE Safety Committee, and attends the monthly meetings via teleconference.

Department members attend the 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting in Orlando, Florida

Members from the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering attended the 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting in Orlando, Florida during July, making technical presentations on new research findings, participating in society committee meetings and other society functions, and engaging in collaborative activities with other ASABE members from around the world.