Chemical Lab Supervisor Kameron Chun is the March 2014 winner of the Safety Star

Kameron ChunFor the past 18 years, Kameron has been the primary Safety Coordinator for the Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, as well as the Chemical Lab Manager and a Staff Research Associate. Kameron works diligently with his student, staff, and faculty colleagues to train, advise, and assist them in their daily work.  His responsibilities are broad and include chemical lab support, BAE shop support, general lab and field support, and HVAC and ergonomics.  He has continued to grow into these roles by completing the EH&S Certificate Series and becoming a Tier 1 ergonomic evaluator.  Over the last seven years, Kameron has also teamed up with other subject matter experts in the department to augment the program, putting his very diverse department into a much stronger position ahead of major policy updates and the new Laboratory Safety Review Program.  Most notably, Kameron developed and maintains his own chemical lab safety course, which was one of only three recognized as satisfying the grandfathering requirement for the new UC Laboratory Safety Fundamentals.  All of his work has ensured the efficient onboarding of dozens of new researchers every year, allowing them to begin work immediately after arriving on campus.  His ability to keep up with everything has served the department extremely well.  Kameron continues to be the “go-to” guy for faculty, staff, students, and postdoctoral scholars from around the world.

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