UC Davis to host inaugural ASABE CA/NV Section Student Rally January 17-20
The Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) is pleased to host the inaugural American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) CA/NV Section Student Rally on January 17-20, 2020 at UC Davis.
The student rally is an annual gathering of students from ASABE student chapters and other related programs from across the region, held at different schools each year. Attendees explore the host school, network, attend technical presentations and tours on and off campus, socialize and gain leadership experience over four days.
Because the event is being hosted at UC Davis, events and tours will take place in Davis, Lodi, Vacaville and Woodland throughout the weekend. These events offer students the opportunity to expand their networks, aid career development in agricultural or biological engineering and explore related technological fields.
The CA/NV section is one of many that comprise the ASABE, an international educational and scientific professional society that promotes engineering related to agriculture, food and biological systems. The 2020 student rally is the first of its kind for the CA/NV section. The rally committee secured start-up funds from the ASABE Initiative Fund to support the endeavor for two years. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo will host the next event, in 2021.
The CA/NV student section includes chapters from UC Davis; UC Merced; Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; the University of Nevada, Reno; California State University, Fresno; California State University, Bakersfield; Humboldt State University; Modesto Junior College and Butte College.
As a part of the Rally, dinners will be held on Saturday (Davis) and Sunday (Lodi) evening. Local ASABE members and UCD BAE Alumni are welcome to join us at $50 per plate.
ASABE supports agricultural, food and biological systems engineers around the world. One of the largest organizations in the profession, ASABE boasts 7500 members in almost 100 countries.
For more details, please email asabecanvrally@gmail.com and check out the official flier at asabecanv.org.