Portrait of Julie Meyers wearing a graduation stole

Alumni Spotlight: Julie Meyers, 2017 B.S., 2018 M.S.

Civil/Agricultural Engineer



Julie graduated from UC Davis in 2018 with a Master’s in Biological Systems Engineering. After starting out as a Project Engineer at Davids Engineering, she moved to the USDA NRCS in 2020. During her time at Davids Engineering, she helped compile basin-scale water budgets to support groundwater sustainability efforts and set up, refined and calibrated hydrologic models. At NRCS, she’s worked on design projects for livestock watering systems, irrigation systems, and small ponds to help put natural resources conservation on the ground. She is also currently the LGBT Special Emphasis Program Manager for NRCS California. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, biking and backpacking as well as playing music and crafting.

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